You agreed to be his girlfriend/fiancée, he asked you out and you both enjoyed every bit of it. You want this to happen again; you guys want to always be with each other. You’ve ticked all the boxes and seen all the signs that he is interested in you, Congratulations! That's half the battle! Now you want to know how to keep him interested in only you. 

You want him to keep loving you, so you don’t want to throw any chances away. This is the best time to be the best of yourself and always to keep him around. This shouldn’t take much effort, ­­­­just follow these guidelines to keep him interested and hooked forever.

Be confident. 

Confident woman

Guys would always want to be with a woman who is confident and bold. They’d love to see their partner challenging the status quo and suggesting new ideas and methods that positively impacts others’ lives and their relationship. It’s not about knowing everything; you just need to believe in yourself and ready to learn new things every day. Take good care of yourself, and make an effort to look as good as you feel every time. Focus on yourself and the things that make you feel special. Emphasize those unique and special qualities about you because they are the things that got him attracted to you. Your uniqueness and confidence would always get him interested in only you.

Want to know more about keeping your man interested in only you? Check out this Book.  It is loaded with tips and tricks: His Secret Obsession

Surprise him with his favorites. 

Surprise him with his favorites.

Get to know what his favourites are, ask him questions about what he likes as you guys are getting to know each other better. You know that happiness and excitement when someone surprises you something you love and cherish, let him have that excitement. So go and get that special gift that really makes his eyes light up, find the best location, I mean that special place he always wants to be. Wait for the best moment and give him that surprise, you could video it so you both can share that exciting moment in the future together or with your friends and family. Let him feel like the happiest and luckiest man to have a beautiful, caring and loving woman like you.

Keep flirting with him. 

Keep flirting with him.

Flirting doesn’t have to stop just because you start dating. In fact, it’s more important than ever to keep doing the cute, flirty things that got him interested. Playfully touch him on the arm, brush up against him while you’re doing dishes together, or give him that look that lets him know you’re thinking of more than just what movie to watch

Don’t be clingy. 

Don’t be clingy.

It is good you care so much about him and let him understand just that. When you display clingy behaviours, he may feel you are insecure.  Nobody wants to feel like their partner is insecure and don’t trust them, so avoid being all over him. For instance, don’t call him more than two times when he is not answering - he’s likely just busy and will be annoyed when he sees he has 10 missed calls from you. You want him to keep loving you and interested in just you so try as much as possible not to get him upset, be courteous enough whiles you respect each other.

Want to know more about keeping your man interested in only you? Check out this Book.  It is loaded with tips and tricks: His Secret Obsession

Try to resolve issues calmly. 

Try to resolve issues calmly.

Try to have a conversation rather than an argument. Remember that this is a person you care about, and you’re both working to build a life together. If a tense issue comes up that you need to talk about, try to have a mature discussion where you both are able to explain how you feel.  

  • If an issue seems important enough to bring up, try to find the right time to mention it. Pick a time when you're both free of other distractions so you can focus on each other.
  • Start the conversation with a positive statement about your partner, then follow with what's bothering you. Try saying, "I love that you're so excited about your new phone, but I feel a little frustrated that you didn't think you should talk to me before buying something that cost so much."
  • If an argument starts to escalate, keep your tone of voice calm and use positive statements to cool things down. Say things like "I respect your independence; I just want to feel included in big decisions" or "You're usually very considerate, so this surprised me."

Keep him interested sexually

Keep him interested sexually

Relationship comes with so many demands and sexual demands are mostly on top of the list. You have to understand your man may demand sex as you guys continue dating. Don’t think he is just in for the sex and don’t make him feel sex is the only thing you can offer in the relationship. You may be busy chasing your goals and focusing on yourself, but when you both decide to be in a relationship, you need to make some sacrifices and that’s when he’ll get to appreciate and love you more. Schedule a romantic date night, send him sexy texts during the day and let him have the best sex when both of you decide to do it. This is an important way to keep him interested in only you so both of you should find the best and exciting moments to always do it.


Tell him when something feels good

Tell him when something feels good

 Tell him how good you feel when you are with him. Let him know how you appreciate everything he does for you and keep reminding him of how nice he is to you and others. Be thankful for the gift he gave you and he’ll want to give you more gifts to show how much he still loves and care about you. When he sees how appreciative and excited you are with him, that’s when he’ll keep impressing you just to keep you around him.

Want to know more about keeping your man interested in only you? Check out this Book.  It is loaded with tips and tricks: His Secret Obsession

February 04, 2021 — Hoy Dino llc

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